- Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy vs. Other Cyber-Charter Schools
- Course Information
- About Our Program
- Daily Scheduling
- School Materials and Resources
- Assignments and Testing
- Extracurricular Activities
- Technology
- Student Supports
- Roles of Caregivers/Learning Coach
Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy vs. Other Cyber-Charter Schools
Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy offers several benefits as compared to a cyber-charter school.
- We have Harrisburg School District highly qualified teachers to provide rich, rigorous content for our students in K-12.
- All of our courses are aligned to PA Core Standards. All of our high school courses meet the NCAA and credit requirements for graduation.
- HVLA students can participate in all extracurricular Harrisburg School District programs and events, including groups such as literacy nights, athletics, band, etc.
- Eligible HVLA students have access to Special Education teachers, English as a Second Language teacher, Reading Specialists, Math Interventionist and other support staff during regular school hours.
- All students have access to monthly project days to collaborate and grow with their peers.
Course Information
1. What grade levels may participate in the Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy?
The Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy is open to all Harrisburg students from grades K-12.
2. What courses are available?
The programs of study are available at hvla.us under the elementary, middle and high school tab.
3. Are there live or recorded lessons?
HVLA provides live lessons with a teacher which are recorded for all core classes and some electives .
4. What is the schedule? Will my child be required to log in at specific times?
All core classes (English, Math, Science and Social Studies, and some electives will be changed based upon learning levels approved) are live through Zoom, so students can participate in the learning environment. Elective courses are asynchronous and provide a monitoring teacher who is available as needed. Students are to click on the Attendance App in Classlink every day school is in session.
5. Are Advanced Placement (AP) or International Bachelorate (IP) courses offered?
We do not offer AP or IB courses. We do offer
Dual Enrollment at HACC, Harrisburg University & Temple
Please talk to HVLA's guidance counselor for further information.
6. Are special education students allowed to participate?
All Harrisburg students may consider participating in the HVLA. Special Education students who have some of their needs met through specially designed instruction must discuss virtual education at an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting where the team will determine the supports needed to provide access to the student’s program of study prior to beginning any virtual coursework. The student’s IEP will be provided to the teachers who will ensure compliance with all required modifications and accommodations, as they relate to the virtual environment.
About Our Program
1. Does my child have to participate in the virtual academy full-time, or is there a part-time option?
If the student is enrolled in HVLA, they will participate in the academy virtually as a full-time student.
2. Can students return to the building during the year if they start in the virtual program?
Yes. Students can transfer back to their home buildings after the first semester (two marking periods). For the smoothest transition possible, we recommend that students transition at the end of the second marking period. This will allow for continuity in the student's education.
3. What if after a month, I find this is not working for my child? Can they transfer back?
To promote a seamless transition, we ask that children move between virtual and in-person at the end of the second marking period (first semester), however, we will do our best to accommodate any extenuating circumstances on a case by case basis.
4. Is there a registration deadline?
HVLA has an open registration with the exception of some blackout periods, such as state testing windows, end of semester, etc.
5. Is the Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy only open to Harrisburg students?
Yes! HVLA is only available to students that reside in the Harrisburg School District.
6. Can students participate in the Dauphin County Technical School (DCTech) if they are full-time virtual?
No, students cannot be full-time virtual students and participate in DCTech. DCTech is a separate full-time, comprehensive public career and technical high school.
7. Do HVLA students attend class with students from their home school, or is it mixed?
Virtual classes may have students from other home schools from within the district.
8. If my child wants to apply for Marshall Math Science Academy (MMSA) or SciTech, or Cougar Academy can they apply if they are in HVLA?
Yes, any eligible student can apply for MMSA or SciTech, or Cougar Academy.
9. Can my child apply for DCTech, if they are in HVLA?
Yes, any eligible student can apply for DCTech.
10. What are the graduation requirements?
HVLA students meet the PA Standards of Education for the Harrisburg School District and Commonwealth requirements . HVLA students will receive a high school diploma from Harrisburg School District.
11. What about PSSAs, Keystone exams, and other state tests?
Students in the Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy are required to take state-mandated tests, such as the PSSA’s. Dates to take these exams can be found in the HVLA calendar. Arrangements are communicated through the HVLA Facebook, website and Harrisburg School District's website.
Students who are taking state exams may have their HVLA pacing schedules adjusted, but they will not be exempt from completing any of the required classwork. Keystone Exams are State mandated end-of-course tests. Students are required to take the appropriate Keystone Exam at the conclusion of Algebra I, 10th Grade English, and Biology.
12. Does the Harrisburg Virtual Learning Academy follow the HBGSD calendar?
Students in the HVLA will follow the Harrisburg School District school calendar, including vacations, snow days, and holidays.
13. How are evaluations handled if my child is in the Virtual Academy (gifted, special ed, etc.)?
Being a part of the HVLA does not usually prevent your child from being evaluated for the gifted or special education programs.
Initial requests for evaluations, both gifted and special education, should be directed to the HVLA principal or HVLA school counselor. The student’s educational team will review student data with you to determine next steps, including issuing a Prior Written Notice for evaluation. A multidisciplinary evaluation requires in person assessment with a licensed school psychologist and arrangements for in person assessment would need to be made.
For students that are already identified, reevaluations will take place every three years in compliance with federal mandates (2 years for students with cognitive disabilities). In-person assessment may be required as part of the reevaluation process.
14. Can college-bound athletes participate in the virtual program?
Yes. Our courses are NCAA-approved. Students who need NCAA-eligibility should consult with their building's NCAA liaison when selecting virtual courses.
Daily Scheduling
1. Do the students have to log in every "school day" or can they get their work done in a more condensed time - ie: 4 days a week instead of 5?
In HVLA, work is completed synchronously and asynchronously. When students work asynchronously this means that students will work on their assignments independently for the week. It is highly recommended they work regularly throughout the week but because we are virtual there is a lot of flexibility. If students work for 4 days and get their work completed this is acceptable. At the high school and middle level, there may be students that work on the weekends but it really depends on the child, motivation, how much support a child may need to get their work completed successfully EACH week.
2. What are the HVLA attendance requirements?
Students MUST log in every day there is school according to the District calendar. Even if a student has worked ahead or is choosing not to work on a particular day, attendance is taken daily.
3. What does Kindergarten look like in the Virtual Academy? Is it half-day or full-day?
Kindergarten is a full day. For our students in K-5, caregivers will be essential partners in ensuring students are getting the best online experience.
4. How does Physical Education (PE) and Fitness work?
The students will not have a live session for physical education, but will have a teacher to reach out to for any questions.
School Materials and Resources
1. What about books or any other materials needed?
Any analog material for a course (workbooks, equipment, etc.) will be distributed during orientations and student project days.
At the high school level, all course materials are digital and available within a student’s course.
Students must return the material upon completion of the course.
Assignments and Testing
1. Are there due dates for assignments?
Course work is assigned at the beginning of each week and students are given a recommended schedule to remain on pace for completion at the end of the course. Secondary students should plan to spend approximately 5 hours on each one-credit virtual course and 2.5 hours on each .5 credit course per week. Elementary students will spend 3-4 hours each day.
2. How are tests or other assessments given?
Classroom assessments will be administered synchronously or asynchronously. Additionally, all state assessments will be administered at the Lincoln Administration Building.
3. How frequently do teachers give feedback to students on their work?
Teachers will be providing feedback within 48 hours of a student submitting an assignment.
Extracurricular Activities
1. If enrolled in the HVLA, can my child participate in extracurriculars, clubs and sports?
Yes. HVLA students can participate in all clubs, activities, extracurriculars and athletics.
2. What about Specials?
Elementary and middle students will have physical education. Other options will be available during course selections at the high school level.
3. Can my child attend field trips?
Yes. HVLA students are invited to participate in all of the HVLA and home school field trips.
4. How will the caregiver know if the student is not keeping up with the course and homework?
Grades are posted and available on Schoology and Home Access Center. Teachers will also communicate with parents if students are behind pace.
1. Will HVLA provide a device for my child?
Harrisburg students in K-12 are provided free devices if they are an HVLA student. Caregivers will need internet access for students to complete virtual courses.
2. What devices are provided at each grade level?
K-9th grade will receive Chromebooks.
- 10th-12th grade will receive PC’s
3. Can my child use their own device to participate in the HVLA?
No, students must use a District-issued device.
4. What Learning Management System (LMS) is used?
Beginning in the 2022-23 school year, students in HVLA will use the same curriculum as in the brick-and-mortar setting. Schoology will be the LMS where are things are stored and implemented for the next three years.
Student Supports
1. Outside of the teachers, how will HVLA support my child through the Virtual Academy?
Your child will have the same support that an in-person student would receive, including access to a guidance counselor, social worker, special education teachers, etc.
2. What happens when a student begins to fall behind? Does the teacher contact the caregiver?
Caregivers have access to look at and monitor your child’s progress. In addition, our teachers will be monitoring all students and contacting caregivers as needed. If we see trends of lack of progress, we will contact the caregivers to set up one on one time with students.
3. Who will help if my child is struggling or needs extra help?
Your child’s teacher is available to provide support online. If additional support outside of the teacher is needed, a caregiver can request tutoring with the reading interventionist/math interventionist, special education teacher, or ESL teacher.
Roles of Caregivers/Learning Coach
1. What is the role of the caregiver and learning coach who has a student in HVLA?
Caregiver is defined as the student’s parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) who enroll the student and satisfy enrollment requirements. All Caregivers are also the Learning Coach. Another person may be designated as the Learning Coach, but the Caregiver has the full and final responsibility for the student’s education and educational decision-making. It is the responsibility of the Caregiver to contact the HVLA Support Center for any technical issues, attendance concerns or other issues or questions that may arise.
Learning Coach
The Learning Coach is defined as an adult who performs tasks, such as overseeing the student’s synchronous attendance, asynchronous work time, and communicating with HVLA. Each learner must have at least one Learning Coach, which is typically a Caregiver. A designated Learning Coach, someone other than a Caregiver must fill out a form and have it signed by the Caregiver, stating he/she has been designated to oversee a specific student(s). It is recommended that no designated Learning Coach oversees more than four students.