English Language Development (ELD) Program at HVLA
The Harrisburg School District provides an appropriate planned instructional program for identified students whose dominant language is not English. The objectives of the ELD program are to assist English Learners (EL) in developing basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) in English. The goal of the ELD program is to provide English Learners (EL) with support which will enable them to participate fully in their educational experience at school and in the community.
The ELD program at HVLA assists English Learners in developing proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English, along with competence in intercultural interactions, and encouraging participation in the full range of instructional activities in the regular education curriculum and extracurricular activities.
Potential English Learners (EL), based on the home language survey, are screened and assessed to see if they qualify for the English Language Development program. If a student qualifies, the family is notified. Using the data from the initial screener assessment or current ACCESS level, WIDA Model, and other observational and academic data, the Individualized Language Development Plan (ILDP) is created by the English Language Development Teacher with input from a team which includes educators, the student,and the family.
The ILDP includes, but is not limited to background information on the student, English language proficiency levels, accommodations and modifications, language goals and progress monitoring, Each teacher working with the student follows the ILDP to provide instruction appropriate to the student's current English language level while helping the student increase English proficiency. Instruction is provided in live Zoom classes for whole groups, small groups, and/or individually tailored to student needs. The ILDP is reviewed quarterly by the team either in person, by email, by phone, or through Zoom.